Bawdy Medieval Badges Talk with Melanie Jackson

Bawdy Medieval Badges | Ann Marie Rasmussen + Melanie Jackson

On Tuesday, April 13, 2021, Ann Marie Rasmussen was joined by Melanie Jackson to discuss their ongoing work with medieval badges. Drawing upon Rasmussen’s scholarly monograph, Medieval Badges: Their Wearers and Their Worlds (2021), and Jackson’s engagement with bawdy badges through her artistic project Spekyng Rybawdy, the conversation wove together questions of imagination, movement and scale.

Melanie Jackson is a UK-based artist working with modes of non-fiction storytelling through assemblages of sculpture, writing and moving image. Jackson is represented by Matt’s Gallery. A full version of Jackson’s Spekyng Rybawdy animation is available on Matt’s Gallery.

Melanie Jackson, Spekyng Rybawdy, 2020. Image courtesy of Matt’s Gallery.

Melanie Jackson, Spekyng Rybawdy, 2020. Image courtesy of Matt’s Gallery.

Melanie Jackson, Spekyng Rybawdy, 2020. Image courtesy of Matt’s Gallery.